点击 在这里 安排11月11日的家长会. 2, 2023.

正规的棋牌平台排行榜室将于10月9日向公众开放. 从上午10:30开始.M. 到下午12:30.M. 这段时间不提供美容服务.









1st 和2nd 地方奖项. 设置待定. 


10月31日星期二,你可以穿着万圣节服装参加GCCC的万圣节活动st! However; you MUST follow GCCC dress code- 




Did you know that you DO qualify for both the National Technical Honor Society (here at GCCC) AND the National Honor Society from your home school. Please check your home school email for more information about the National Honor Society.


兽医科学正在举办狗狗日托! Pay $10 for your dog to come to our lab and play with other dogs brought in by your friends and fellow students. 有关要求和注册方式的更多信息, 拿一本兽医科学门上的小册子,或者联系Dr. Rickabaugh.




“GCCC Students: If you are falling behind in your classes or need help with assignments, 现在每周一和周三放学后都有辅导. It will run from 3:00 pm until 4:30 pm in room 2426 (at the top of the academic stairway). 请见夫人. 详情请到2426房间的Marino”



如果你需要在GCCC服药, you are required to have a prescription from your doctor AND provide the school nurse with the medication. 这包括泰诺、布洛芬、苯海拉明等. GCCC不为学生提供任何药物. This may be different from your home school so check in with the school nurse if you have any questions or you need the form! 




Students are not permitted to wear shorts/ hoodies/leggings or sweatpants/ joggers/ track pants (except exercise 科学) or jeans with holes in them! 















Any STUDENT not in proper 2023-2024 GCCC uniform must report to room 2317 to borrow a uniform. 




朋友合唱团正在寻找勤奋的团员. 如果你对幕后工作感兴趣的话, 制作道具, 电子产品, 与雾, 谷歌朋友合唱团,并在他们的网站上注册. 如果你有任何问题,请发邮件给Mr. Enneking. 


Bowling tryouts are Monday, 11月ember 6th and Tuesday, 11月ember 7th 3:30-5:00pm at Beaver-Vu Lanes. 联系博比特教练 (电子邮件保护) 或致电97-219-1338了解更多信息. Registration on Beavercreek HS Final Forms and a completed Medical Physical are REQUIRED to be eligible for tryouts.

Help the Christians In Actions with Operation Christmas Child by bringing in small toys, 袜子, 学校用品, 卫生用品. You can find donation boxes and lists of acceptable items around the school in various classrooms. 请记住,物品必须是新的,而且要能装进鞋盒. 


你会演奏乐器吗, 唱, 写歌, or want to learn how to run sound for a studio and produce 音乐 for a record label? “音乐家连接”是一个让歌手, 词曲作者, 乐器演奏家, 制作人可以在原创音乐上进行合作. 每周一3:00到4:30在2032房间和其他音乐家一起演奏.




开放垫子现在将在周二和周四的晚上6:30 -8:00开始. 力量训练时间还是在放学后.



The Christians in Action- Meetings will be on Mondays in Room 2027 immediately after school. 看到女士. 如果你有问题,请提问.















如果你发现自己快如闪电, 或者你只是想和一群很酷的孩子一起玩, 快速回忆可能适合你. Quick Recall is a high school “Jeopardy” team that competes against other schools. 任何有兴趣报名参加快速回忆的人,请见. 肖在C214房间. 

高年级学生——订购你的帽子 & 礼服在线或邮寄您的订单到乔斯滕斯. 

BASEBALL – High School boys planning to play baseball this spring please sign up in the office. 












FHS女子篮球选拔赛将于周六上午举行, 10月28日, 从早上8点到10点在贝克餐厅和周一, 10月30日, 从下午4点15分到6点15分. 请确保您已填写最终表格所需的所有内容. 这包括做身体检查, 获得家长和玩家的签名, 并准备好其他重要的初步资料. 

2023-2024年学术挑战季即将迎来又一个伟大的一年. Mr. Cordle将在周二举行信息发布会和简短练习, 10月31日, at 2:25 pm in room 221 to inform both newcomers and returnees of the schedule and team info. 学术挑战是一个每周一次的周二承诺. Formal practices will begin in 11月ember, and matches will begin shortly thereafter. Come out and join the Skyhawks as we travel around the Miami Valley League in a contest of trivia and knowledge! 看到先生. 点击查看更多信息. 


大四学生注意了:如果你错过了高级合成日, please note that you will have the opportunity to make-up your composite picture photo on Thursday, 11月9日.   11月. 9 at 7:00 AM Fairborn High School/ GCCC seniors can get their pictures taken at 7:00 AM at FHS. 还记得, the ONLY way to have a Senior Banner or be included in the Composite is to have your picture taken here at school. 

嘿, Skyhawks: Audition packets are now available for those interested in trying out for this year's 音乐al, 《安全正规的棋牌游戏平台排行》. 在125(唱诗班/管弦乐队室)门边的桌子上可以找到包。. Auditions will be held 11月 8-9 and sign-ups for auditions will be during the first week of 11月ember. 所有的信息都可以在包中找到. If you prefer a digital version, please join the Auditions Google Classroom with the code: szgd5kd

你目前是Twitch或YouTube等平台的内容创作者吗? If not, would you be interested in ever becoming a content creator on those platforms? 如果是这样的话,那你需要和Mr. 里佐特谈到了通过电子竞技给你提供的各种机会.

费尔伯恩的学生们,你们的实验老师会给你们一份影响援助调查. These forms must be completed by your parent or guardian and brought back to the main office before 11月ember 10th.

每周二及四放学后2:15 - 4:30举行摔跤公开赛. 欢迎大家,见Mr. 西班牙还是Mr ?. 波曼,如果你有任何问题. 

FHS举重室在10月每天开放, 星期一至星期五, 从下午两点半到四点. 

天鹰队请注意:《正规的棋牌平台排行榜》在111房间有售,售价90美元.00. 看到女士. 如果你们有任何问题,请到年鉴室(111室)找约翰逊.

技术学生协会每周四在Ms. Sauder's Room(316),下午2点至3点. 如果你曾经想尝试飞机设计, 编程, 桌游创作, 以及其他技术话题, 停下来了解更多! 

请注意,费尔伯恩高中! 高级巧克力的销售正在进行中! Your favorite World's Finest Chocolates will be available to purchase for $1 a bar! Help the seniors raise money for their senior trip to New York City - buy chocolate! 

棒球比赛将在周一、周三和周五的2:30至3:30进行. 秋季球训练将于周三4:30至6:30举行.



周五巨蟹座徒步活动提前下课. We will only send one bus in the afternoon and this will be the last bus of the day. 下午1:20在GCCC接车

有2美元的捐款可以参加. 所有的钱都会捐给詹姆斯敦家庭癌症治疗中心.




10月31日, GHS国际象棋俱乐部将在GHS图书馆举办国际象棋锦标赛, 欢迎包括老师在内的所有人参加. 鼓励穿戏服. 联系艾萨克·利特克 (电子邮件保护) 有任何问题或疑虑. 

根据国家公路交通安全管理局的说法, wearing your seatbelt as a front-seat passenger can limit your chances of moderate to fatal injury by 50% and of dying by 45%.

Quick Recall将于每周一2:30 - 3:30举行“Open Buzzers”活动. Quick Recall is a team of students who match wits with students from other schools in the OHC on a variety of topics such as history, 科学, 数学, 英语, 音乐, 体育, 一般知识, 时事新闻. 任何感兴趣的学生都可以去见Mr. 点击此处获取更多信息和/或参加“开放蜂鸣器”.”


所有的老年人! Including GCCC and CCP: 正规的棋牌平台排行榜view uses NAVIANCE to assist with all of your college and career search needs, 包括成绩单要求. If you need to request a transcript for a college, you will need to use your NAVIANCE account. 所有学生都有一个NAVIANCE账户. Please check your 正规的棋牌平台排行榜view email for information on how to log-in and use the program and how it works with Common App. 

灵魂出去会在每周四放学后在Mrs. 具有的房间. 欢迎任何有兴趣的人参加. 灵魂出窍接受所有学生的祈祷请求. 拜访夫人. 去普费弗的房间提交申请.


职业中心 Students: reminder if you have any questions regarding acces唱 your 正规的棋牌平台排行榜view email account, 请与夫人联系。. 加德纳. (电子邮件保护) 


摔跤开放垫是周三从下午3点到4点在高中的阁楼. 邀请所有7-12年级的学生参加. 不需要经验. 如果有任何问题,请找218室的马特教练. 




There will also be the Winter 体育 meeting on Thursday and tryouts are set to begin this Saturday, 10月28日. Be sure to have your Final Forms completed as well as a current physical on file in order to tryout.


你想看火山吗? 滑索穿越雨林? 然后和Xenia探险者一起来哥斯达黎加! 星期三将有一个家长会, 11月ember 1st at 6pm in the cafeteria for any 9th or 10th grader who would like to know more. 看到老. 哈蒂根有问题吗!


Attention Students: Anyone interested in playing Girls Basketball this upcoming season... 选拔赛将于10月28日星期六开始.

还记得, you must have your Final Forms completed and a current physical on file in order to tryout. 如果你有任何问题,请联系威胁教练. 



就业中心的学生放学后不能进入大楼. 运动员必须从后面的运动入口进入. 













前辈们注意了:是时候开始建立我们的前辈公告了. Please print or send your childhood to present photos to Mrs Hyatt or Mrs Sparrow-Knapp as soon as possible!





If you are a senior in need of a project and you like working with younger students, 黄泉公共图书馆希望你去那里做志愿者. 请见先生. 点击H查看更多信息.


本学年AUM House为学生提供免费瑜伽课程. 如果有兴趣,请到办公室来拿一张表格.


高年级学生-请查看学校的电子邮件,了解杨先生的定期更新. H和Mrs. 关于你高三的事.








© 2023. 正规的棋牌平台排行榜县就业中心. 版权所有.